"The time is ripe, perhaps even overripe, to initiate a societal debate that revolves around the single crucial question: how do we want to live? This general question can take many concrete forms:...
Each year, all over the world, around 400 million tons of plastic are produced. Part of the plastic is recycled and reused, but an even larger part ends up as plastic waste that finds a place where...
Traditionally, the end of the year is a time to pause and reflect. You look back, but also ask yourself: “What do I want to change in the future? And in which fields do I wish to contribute...
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Will we soon be eating cricket crackers and bug burgers? The amendment to the EU Regulation on Novel Foods, which becomes binding for all member states on 1 January 2018, makes this at least more...
The Futurium looks back on a successful event "A Day in the Future. Open House at Futurium": on 15.000 guests, a programme that went on into the small hours and various activities for young and...
After two years of construction, starting in 2015, the Futurium building in Berlin’s Government District has now been completed. The keys to the Futurium were ceremonially handed over on 13...