Independent and not-for-profit


Futurium gGmbH was founded on 15 July 2014 as “Haus der Zukunft gGmbH” (“House of the Future gGmbH”). The society was renamed in July 2016 following a resolution adopted by the General Meeting of Partners. Director at Futurium is Dr. Stefan Brandt, Commercial Managing Director is Nicole Schneider, M.A.

Futurium gGmbH

The aim of Futurium gGmbH is to operate Futurium as a forum for presentation and the facilitation of dialogue on scientific, technical and social developments of national and international significance, and to conduct a scientific-based social discussion on shaping the future. Futurium comprises an independent platform for hosting a dialogue and establishing links between the state, science, business and society.

Executive bodies

The society’s executive bodies consist of the General Meeting of Partners, the Supervisory Board and the Management Board. A Programme Council was established to provide expert advice to the society’s executive bodies. The Programme Council is composed of scientists and experts in science communication.

Organisation chart


Articles of Association


Futurium gGmbH has held a 10% share in the Cologne-based company GID – Gesellschaft für infrastrukturelle Dienste mbH – since 15 March 2019. The share is worth €10,000. GID is a joint venture of Deutschlandradio, the Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland GmbH (Bundeskunsthalle) and Futurium gGmbH. The company exists to provide infrastructural services of all kinds – in particular security services in accordance with Section 34a of the German Trade Regulation Act (GewO) – for public-sector clients only.


Futurium gGmbH’s year-end report and the corporate governance report are published yearly in the electronic Federal Gazette (Bundesanzeiger).