Photos: Kai Müller / Claudius Pflug

An argument between Maja Göpel and Ulf Poschardt

Machbar! Future through prohibitions

Climate change, resource consumption and population growth are pushing our earth to its planetary limits. Science, politics and business now agree that we must develop into a sustainable and climate-compatible society.



Further information:

  • Duration:1 hour and 30 minutes

Photos: Kai Müller / Claudius Pflug

But how do we shape this transformation so that it succeeds? Opinions differ widely here. Are taxes, legal restrictions and bans really the solution? Or should we let the market regulate it? Maybe we simply need a combination of technical and social innovations - but what would they look like? And how much responsibility does each and every one of us bear?

This is what Maja Göpel (political economist, Secretary General of the German Advisory Council on Global Change) and Ulf Poschardt (Editor-in-Chief of the WELT Group) are discussing with Tobias Armbrüster (moderator and editor, Deutschlandfunk).


Place: Forum
Language: German
Admission: free of charge

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