Picture: Scholz & Friends

The new focus at Futurium

Democracy – You can choose the future

Democracy is the rule of the people. The idea is more than 2,000 years old. Much has changed over this course of time, including our concept of what constitutes a democratic state. And what does the future have in store? Discover with us how democracy can keep on going!

Picture: Scholz & Friends

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In the exhibition

Democracy to take part in

What is needed for democracies to run smoothly? You can try things out for yourself at our illuminated democracy sculpture: gather together your idea’s supporters on the spot, put your brainwaves on the digital agenda, and discuss everything pixel by pixel to reach an agreement. That’s the exhibition’s starting point for the futures of democracy.

Worlds of comics

What needs to change and how can democracies become even more survivable? There’s no shortage of ideas: comics created especially for Futurium will take you on a journey to visionary designs for democratic societies.

You’re wanted

In small videos, democracy itself will accompany you through different solutions for the future. Give the “diversity wheels” a spin for more diversity or zap through our broadcast hub devoted to the public sphere in democracies. Because one thing is for sure: the challenges are numerous, as some of the exhibition’s superheroes and villains have made clear.

Visit the new exhibits on democracy in our permanent exhibition’s Thinking Space Human.

In the Lab

Four new projects on the theme of digital democracy await you in the Futurium Lab. At four interactive points you can experience the chances and risks of new technologies.

Data Correlations

How can we use data to enable better debates? Data are becoming increasingly important for democracy. They form the basis of discussions and decisions. As things stand, there’s hardly any data for many societal issues. To close this information gap, the interactive point collects your ideas and opinions, automatically evaluates them and displays them in a network. This way you can interact with the views of others. Created by Studio Brüll.


The Opinionator turns you into opinion leaders. You’ll get to know three common tools that are used to influence people in the digital space. Many users aren’t even aware of this influence. Knowing about it will help you recognise manipulations and form an independent opinion. Created by Tactical Tech.

Simulating Democracy

In the Lab, a simulation game around the democracy of the future is in the process of being developed. Every few minutes, players have to make rush decisions about crucial issues. But who gets to have a say? And what digital technologies are involved? Get in touch if you’d like to join us for our games development workshops. Created by Imaginary.

Smile to Vote

When machines make decisions for us: this voting booth reads your face to garner your political convictions. A quick glance at the camera is enough for the AI to determine which party you vote for. Or is this pure fiction? Created by Alexander Peterhänsel.

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Credit: David von Becker

In our Forum

Find our current programme of events in a variety of formats on the theme of democracy in our calendar.

On an audio expedition

The fictional and interactive audio expedition "Mission Possible" will take you to the original sites of today’s democracy. Via headphones, you can immerse yourself in a possible future. Find out what ideas can make our democracy more equitable, survivable and diverse.

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Credits: David von Becker


At Futurium, you can give full rein to your play instincts. As in every democracy, this game has got a few rules too. Arguing is not only allowed, but actively encouraged: “Clear Compromises – Arguing till a solution is reached” (in German) is a communicative game in which the players take on different roles. As a team – sometimes with and sometimes against each other – you must try to come up with solutions for the really important questions in life.

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©David von Becker

Dates 2024


“Dating Democracy” is a new event series at Futurium. This series of events is all about dating the democracy of tomorrow and falling in love again with the world’s most beautiful and complicated form of government. In doing so, we don’t want merely to dwell on problems, but rather to consider how we can master the future together. You’re cordially invited to join our guests from politics, civil society and research, and to contribute actively. After all, it’s a relationship for life – for better or worse!

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Credit: TA-TRUNG

Dates 2023/2024

With the Future Box

In the Future Box, pupils can playfully ponder questions about the democracy of tomorrow: how will decisions be made in the future? The educational materials help teachers to anchor future-relevant methods and contents in their lessons. Available in German on our website as a free download or in the Futurium Shop in print form.

In our themed booklet

What experiences do people in Germany have with democracy? How do they themselves advocate for co-determination and participation? What are their wishes and desires? A journey in ten encounters through Germany. From person to person. Available in German and English in bookshops or in the Futurium Shop.

On the net

You can also discover the futures of democracy in the digital world. Should children be allowed to vote? Young reporter Richard discusses this question in our YouTube series "Fast, Forward, Future" ("Zick, Zack, Zukunft").

You will find news and updates on our theme year democracy on our website and social channels. Check it out – we are looking forward to your vote!

Your vote, please!

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“Zick, Zack, Zukunft” (“Fast, Forward, Future”) is Futurium’s YouTube series with and for children. In Episode 3, Richard (11) discusses whether children should be given the right to vote. What do you think?