The digital city festival from the Futurium Studios

Urbane Welten TV

In the run-up to Christmas, the Futurium will be transformed into a television studio. Our broadcasting channel Urbane Welten TV will become the stage for a special program on the future of cities.

This exclusively digital urban festival focuses on four topics: urban worlds, security, well-being + climate change. We present visions, everyday utopias, development plans and digital participation tools directly to your screens at home and ask about the values, the perspectives, the possibilities and the actors that may shape the cities of the 21st century.

The guests in the television studio are urban and stress researchers, architects, mayors, sociologists, journalists, industry representatives and people committed to the city. Alongside the many conversations that this diverse set of people will engage in, we will present keynotes, performances and take you on a digital „urban visions“ tour through our exhibition. So tune into Urbane Welten TV!

Tune in:



Politicians, planners, companies or citizens: Who will be the citymakers of the 21st century? How do they envision, develop and implement change? How much power does each of them hold? Or are there forces beyond our human control?

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Hot spot city

Ensuring peaceful coexistence in a dense and diverse city is no easy task. Violence in families, drug use, gang wars and radicalization are putting urban security to the test. Different cities pursue different security strategies.

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Diagnosis: Urbanite

A lively togetherness, the freedom to be who you want to be and a wide range of opportunities for work, leisure and consumption – city life has a lot to offer and can do us good. What do we need to stay mentally healthy living in the city?

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Think global, transform local? Cities in climate change

Climate change and urbanization are two of the big global challenges of the 21st century. Heat waves, heavy rain and floods can already be experienced in many cities and are particularly dangerous for vulnerable groups.

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