On 21 May from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.

International Museum Day at Futurium

On 21 May, museums celebrate International Museum Day - and you can join in! Go on an audio expedition in the footsteps of our democracy and let our curators take you on a journey of discovery through the exhibition. In the Futurium Lab, you can turn your idea of the future into reality using augmented reality. More than 1000 institutions nationwide offer a special museum experience, exchange and encounter on site.

Our programme at a glance

Here you can find our programme on the International Museums Day page. We will be there for you from 10:00 to 18:00. You don't need tickets, admission to the museum is free. If you would like to take part in the guided tours, it is best to register in advance.

At home and on the road

Digital Tour (In German)
Nature as Solution – an Utopia?
With marine biologist Antje Boetius

Digital Tour (in German)
Shaping together

With Futurium-Direkcor Dr. Stefan Brandt

Digital Tour (In German)
The great World of Robots

With Pepper