Foto: alengo / iStock

Introduction to the Topic and Discussion


The next milestone in research is the possibility of targeted modification of the human genome. This “genome surgery” is intended for treating diseases, but also for controlling genetic characteristics in embryos.



Further information:

  • Duration:1 hour and 30 minutes

Foto: alengo / iStock

The birth of genetically manipulated twins in China triggered outrage in 2018. Experts are now calling for research to be paused to allow further study of the technology and a discussion of its areas of application. How does the CRISPR/Cas9 gene scissors work? What legacy will the next generation be confronted with? And should genetic modification of the human body be permitted at all?


Reinhard Merkel, Professor emeritus of the Philosophy of Law at Universität Hamburg, Hamburg Center for Bio Governance

Malte Spielmann, human geneticist and Group Leader at the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics

Christiane Woopen, Professor for Ethics and Theory of Medicine at the University of Cologne, Chairwoman of the European Ethics Council


  • Venue: Forum
  • Admission is free of charge
  • Registration not required
  • Event languages: German and English (with translation)


  • Futurium is a wheelchair-accessible venue.
  • The event is aimed at interested participants of all ages.
  • An induction loop system is available.
  • We’ll keep seats free for those of you who wish to sit close to the stage because of your visual impairment.
  • Spaces without seats will be available for wheelchair users.


Photos will be taken, and video recordings made, during the event. If you do not wish to be pictured, please let us know in advance.