Press Release 22 September 2021
European Prize: Luigi Micheletti Award Goes to Futurium
The European Museum Academy presented Futurium with its renowned Luigi Micheletti Award 2020/2021 on 18 September 2021 in The Hague.

“Futurium showcases the major challenges of the future in a stunning and ideologically neutral manner,” said the jury at the digital ceremony announcing the winners. “Visitors can develop their own ideas and visions of the future, either in the museum or digitally [...], based on the fundamental question: ‘How do we want to live?’ The museum aims to be an integrated institution where science, politics, business, art and civil society all come together and collaborate in workshops, discussions and events.” And the jury even went so far as to say: “Every country should have its own Futurium.”
Last Saturday marked the 24th time that the Luigi Micheletti Award has been bestowed and it is now considered to be the most prestigious European award for innovative museums – in the fields of science, technology and work, among other things.
“The award is a source of great happiness for us,” said Futurium Director Dr Stefan Brandt. “We’re particularly pleased that the jury values our integrated approach as a ‘House of Futures’ that offers an exhibition and workshops as well as debates and experimental formats. Our increasingly polarised society needs places where it remains possible to engage in open and constructive exchanges about ideas relating to the future. Futurium aims to be such a place of innovative science communication.”
Nicole Schneider, Commercial Managing Director, added: “These are challenging times – not least for museums: we’re all working hard to be accessible to our visitors and to find ways to make the analysis of future topics a digital experience. Every day, we find ourselves facing new challenges. That’s why it’s so wonderful that the award has recognised our colleagues for their very special way of seeking to break new ground in the exhibition experience and in the communication of knowledge.”
Further information here.