f.l.t.r.: Negah Amiri (© Willi Weber), Dimitrij Kapitelman (© Christian
Werner), Vanessa Vu (© Laurin Gutwin), Michel Friedman (© Gaby Gerster)

An evening about homelands and origins

The (Urban) Talk

You’re cordially invited to the (Urban) Talk: this time around, as part of our citizen science project “Your Emotional City”, we’ll be discussing homelands, origins and allegiances in urban life. Our guests will be comedian Negah Amiri, ZEIT journalist Vanessa Vu and writer Dmitrij Kapitelman. The evening will be moderated by publicist and philosopher Michel Friedman. The event will take place as part of the Berlin Science Week.



The Skywalk is open. Weather-related closures are possible.

f.l.t.r.: Negah Amiri (© Willi Weber), Dimitrij Kapitelman (© Christian
Werner), Vanessa Vu (© Laurin Gutwin), Michel Friedman (© Gaby Gerster)

In big cities, diversity is a living reality; here is whereall sorts of ways of living and situations, as well as people of the mostvaried origins, come together. As a result of urbanisation, globalisation,migration and flight, urban societies in Germany have become increasinglyheterogeneous too. Accordingly, the identities of city dwellers have becomemore and more diverse: many city inhabitants maintain close ties to theiroriginal countries and places of origin and feel at home in several places. So citiesare places of arrival, exchange and coexistence – places to call home. But, atthe same time, cities are also places where people can experience exclusion,racism and discrimination, and this makes them places of loneliness and feartoo.

We want to talk to our guests about their very personalexperiences of arrival and living together in the city, and take a look intothe future together. How should cities and urban life be designed to facilitatethe arrival and coexistence of people from diverse backgrounds? What can we doto ensure that the cities of the future give all people a sense of comfort andacceptance – and ultimately of home? What do terms like “home”, “homeland” and“origin” (still) mean in the context of post-migrant societies? And whatemotions, memories and longings do they personally associate with homeland(s).

Guests of the evening


This event will take place as part of the citizen science project “Your Emotional City” – a joint project of the Interdisziplinäres Forum Neurourbanistik e.V., the university hospital Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and Futurium, the House of Futures.


  • Venue: Forum
  • The event is free of charge.
  • Event language: German
  • Conditions of attendance: no previous knowledge required
  • The event is aimed at interested people of all ages.
  • A ticket is required. Remaining tickets will be available at the box office.


The future is for everyone! The Futurium wants to be accessible to everyone.

  • We are a wheelchair accessible venue.
  • An induction loop system is available.
  • If there are any other access needs on your part, please feel free to let us know.
    We will try to meet them: info@futurium.de
  • All information on accessibility can be found here.

Photo & Video

Photos will be taken during the event.
If you don’t wish to be pictured, please let us know in advance.


For this event a ticket is required. Get your ticket here!