Photo: Michael Gutsche

MOSAiC Talk | Forum and live stream

International Arctic Research: United on an Ice Floe

Scientists from 20 nations have participated in the MOSAiC exhibition. Why global cooperation is required.



Further information:

  • Duration:45 minutes

Photo: Michael Gutsche

Two members of the international team will be explaining why they didn’t want to miss out on this unique opportunity and why global cooperation is required if we humans are to better understand and predict the consequences of climate change for the Arctic.

About the MOSAiC Talks

In order to really understand the Arctic, you have to go there and experience it first-hand. This is particularly true for Arctic research. We’ll be making room on our stage for the scientists and organisers of the MOSAiC expedition. They’ll tell us something about the challenges they faced, the highlights of the expedition, and their personal eureka moments during the unique experience of drifting through the heart of the Arctic Ocean. Afterwards, they’ll be available to answer questions from the audience.


Venue: Forum
Admission: free
Registration: required
Language: English

Live stream! Follow the event live on the Internet: from 17:00 on and


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• Please wear a mask and maintain a distance of at least 1.5m to other persons.

• Only a certain fixed number of visitors are allowed in our event rooms at any one time.


• Futurium is a wheelchair-accessible venue.

• The event is aimed at interested participants of all ages.

• An induction loop system is available.

• Spaces without seats will be available for wheelchair users.

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A cooperative event by the Alfred Wegener Institute – Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Futurium and the Helmholtz Association for German Research Centres.

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