Photo: F. Mertens

From North Pole to Berlin – a report

MOSAiC – the largest Arctic expedition of our time

From North Pole to Berlin: Participants of the MOSAiC expedition will be reporting back to us on the largest Arctic expedition of our time.



Further information:

  • Duration:1 hour

Photo: F. Mertens

An expedition writes history: MOSAiC – the largest Arctic expedition of our time

During their talk, representatives of science media and science exchange their views on the Arctic.

Antje Boetius, Director of the Alfred-Wegener-Institut, MOSAiC expedition leader Markus Rex, documentary filmmaker and film producer Philipp Grieß as well as journalist Julia Vissmann talk about challenges and results of the MOSAiC exhibition and take their listeners with them on a virtual journey into the Arctic ice and the polar night.

Stefan Brandt, director of Futurium and Otmar Wiestler, president of Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft will also be part of the event, presenting the exhibition with a few introductory words.

Award-winning photographs taken by Esther Howard will also be shown during the talk. Esther will answer questions afterwards in Meet&Greets online and on site.


Venue: Forum

Admission: free


Languages: German and English


In order to guarantee your safety, and to minimise the risk of coronavirus infection, Futurium insists that you observe the following public hygiene regulations:

• Please wear a mask and maintain a distance of at least 1.5m to other persons.

• Only a certain fixed number of visitors are allowed in our event rooms at any one time.


• Futurium is a wheelchair-accessible venue.
• The event is aimed at interested participants of all ages.

The future is there for everyone! Futurium wants to be accessible to everyone. If there are any specific access-related needs on your part that you feel we are not meeting, please let us know and we will try to find a solution: Here you can find all our information about accessibility:

Photos will be taken, and video recordings made, during the event. If you do not wish to be pictured, please let us know in advance.

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