Jörg Blech (© private), Alena Buyx (© Reiner Zensen), Fritz Habekuß (© Vera Tammen), Claudia Langenberg (© Wiebke Peitz), Andreas Diefenbach (© Artur Krutsch)

A talk about visions and realities

Medicine of the Future

What might the medicine of the future look like? Will the calculation of a score eventually decide the treatment we receive? That’s the case in Season 4 of the TV series “Charité” – which got us thinking. We’re going to be discussing existing challenges and asking which future scenarios in medicine we find desirable and what we need to do to make them happen.



Further information:

  • Duration:1 hour and 30 minutes

Jörg Blech (© private), Alena Buyx (© Reiner Zensen), Fritz Habekuß (© Vera Tammen), Claudia Langenberg (© Wiebke Peitz), Andreas Diefenbach (© Artur Krutsch)

The tasks facing the medicine of the future are huge: climate change is causing health-threatening heat waves and promoting the spread of infectious diseases into new regions; demographic change is leading to more people in need of care and to a shortage of skilled workers; antibiotics are losing their effectiveness due to resistance; and immune disorders and mental illnesses are on the rise. What solutions does medicine have in store for the future?

Innovative approaches are already showing us new ways forward: artificial intelligence is being used to find completely new active substances for medicines. Research into the microbiome – that is, the entirety of micro-organisms in the human body – is expanding our understanding of bodily processes. Personalised therapies are used for the tailor-made treatment of diseases. And large bulks of data can help offer personalised preventive measures and therapies for diseases.

However, technological innovations are not enough to meet these challenges. Our way of life must be brought into focus too. In addition, all future developments and approaches to solutions must be classified and evaluated from an ethical perspective – for example, in terms of data privacy, fair access and participation for everyone.


A joint event with Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin


  • Jörg Blech, science journalist and non-fiction author
  • Dr Stefan Brandt, Director of Futurium
  • Professor Dr Alena Buyx, medical ethicist and Chair of the German Ethics Council
  • Professor Dr Andreas Diefenbach, Director of the Institute of Microbiology and Infection Immunology at Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
  • Professor Dr Claudia Langenberg, Professor of Computational Medicine, Berlin Institute of Health at Charité (BIH)
  • Professor Heyo K. Kroemer, Chief Executive Officer of Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin


  • Fritz Habekuß, ZEIT editor


  • Venue: Forum
  • The event is free of charge.
  • Event language: German
  • Interpretation into Simple Language
  • The event will be recorded and can then be viewed on our YouTube channel.
  • A ticket is required. Remaining tickets will be available at the box office.


  • We are a wheelchair accessible venue.
  • Spaces without seating are available for wheelchair users.
  • Interpretation into Simple Language
  • The event addresses interested people of age 16+.
  • Participation requirements: no prior knowledge required
  • Drinks and food are available for purchase.

The future is for everyone! The Futurium wants to be accessible to everyone.

If there are any other access needs on your part, please feel free to let us know. We will try to meet them: info@futurium.de

All information on accessibility can be found here.

Photo & Video

Photos will be taken during the event. If you don’t wish to be pictured, please let us know in advance.


For this event a ticket is required. In order to get to the ticketshop click on the button at the beginning or the end of this page.