Four interviews with experts

Working with data

How have politics, society, science and business changed as a result of increasing amounts of data and the application of algorithms? Stakeholders report on the opportunities and challenges that this development represents for their respective fields.

Lena Ulbricht

Digitalisation creates new political responsibilities. Dr. Lena Ulbricht from the Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society – The German Internet Institute explains the challenges facing state actors in the areas of security, infrastructure and political participation.

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Volker Markl

Prof. Dr. Volker Markl from the Technical University of Berlin shows in which areas more data can be useful in science in order to gain knowledge or to advance new research fields and scientific disciplines.

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Claudia Pohlink

Data is an important building block for the future of companies. Claudia Pohlink from Telekom Innovation Laboratories talks about the handling of private information and the role of transparency in this process.

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Julia Kloiber

The changes in the digital world affect us all. How does a society and each individual deal with this development? Julia Kloiber works in the non-profit sector and deals with the effects of technologies on society.

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