Press Release 30 March 2022

Festival Weekend in June on the Futures of Mobility – and New Digital Guided Tours

Our festival weekend in June on the futures of mobility will be focusing on the theme of “Nature in Motion”. Running parallel, the exhibition will be presenting new exhibits on the topic. Another highlight in the second quarter of 2022 will be the new digital tours available on our website.

Futures of Mobility Festival on 18 and 19 June 2022

Human mobility is shaped by many different factors. And – just like us – nature goes on journeys too. In the process, it’s not unusual for pathogens to be carried along into other habitats. Infrastructures that enable mobility for us humans also have consequences for other living creatures and entire ecosystems. These and many other areas of interest will be the focus of the Futures of Mobility Festival.

A large part of the festival programme will be taking place on Futurium’s forecourt. Among other things, there will be creative formats for children and families, games and interactive theatrical performances on living utopias under the rubric “A World Without Borders”, guided tours, rallies and expeditions into Futurium’s local area. The programme will be brought to a close on Saturday night with a talk on global mobilities in which perspectives from experts will be heard.

Digital tours

Digital tours of Futurium are now also available on our website. Futurium Director Dr Stefan Brandt introduces you to exhibits and content on the topic of “Shaping the Future Together” and points to the importance of the issue, especially in today’s world: “Who can shape the future – if we can’t? And by that I don’t just mean our individual futures, but also the major societal issues. Democracies are characterised by the fact that citizens can openly discuss issues of the future and come up with the best solutions together. Freedom is the prerequisite for shaping a self-determined and sustainable future in which as many people as possible can play an active part.”
Pepper, the Futurium robot, guides you through the “World of Robots”. Further tours with scientists and distinguished guests on specific topics will be announced shortly.

Programme of events from April to June 2022

Every Thursday, 17:00
Open Lab Night
The individual events have varying topics, and it’s possible to join in at any time. Admission is free.

7 April 2022, 19:00–21:00
Ready, steady, quiz!
The Pub Quiz at Futurium

20–22 April 2022, 11:00–16:00
Your Idea for the Mobility of the Future
Three-day holiday workshop

22 April 2022, 19:00–20:30
All by myself!
Berlin – city of lonely young adults?
Event as part of “Emotional City”

13 May 2022, 10:00–18:00
Taking different futures to school!
Professional development day for teachers

14 May 2022, 19:00–21:00
To the blackboard!
The Pub Quiz at Futurium

15 May 2022, 10:00–18:00
International Museum Day at Futurium

2 June 2022, 20:00–22:00
Ranga Yogeshwar & ...
How do technical developments impact our society? A discussion.

18–19 June 2022
Futurium moves!
Festival on the theme of mobility at our House of Futures

2 July 2022
Long Night of the Sciences

The programme of events online:

Picture material for download:

Press contact at Futurium:

Monique Luckas
Head of Communications

Futurium gGmbH
Alexanderufer 2, D 10117 Berlin

T + 49 (0) 30 40 818 97 70
F + 49 (0) 30 40 818 97 99