Credit: David von Becker

Press Invitation 15 August 2022

A City Map of Emotions

On 22 August 2022, the citizen science project “Your Emotional City” will be launched together with an app that will turn its users into citizen scientists. With the help of the app, ordinary Berliners can collect data and contribute to a map of Berlin that charts the emotions triggered by particular places. Following the introduction, a panel discussion will address the question “What will the habitable city of tomorrow look like?”. The evening will be moderated by medical doctor and science journalist Dr Eckart von Hirschhausen.

Credit: David von Becker

You are cordially invited to the launch of the project at Futurium. Please register in advance by sending an email to Time slots for interviews can be booked in advance.

Event details:
Date: 22 August 2022
Time: 19:00


Launch and introduction of the citizen science project “Your Emotional City”
Greeting and moderation by Dr Eckart von Hirschhausen

“What will the habitable city of tomorrow look like?“

Discussion with

  • Professor Dr Mazda Adli, psychiatrist, stress researcher at the university hospital Charité and chief of medicine at the Fliedner Klinik Berlin
  • Sarah Bovelett, architect and board member of Floating University e.V.
  • Dr Eckart von Hirschhausen, medical doctor and science journalist, founder of the foundation “Gesunde Erde – Gesunde Menschen” (Healthy Planet – Healthy People)
  • Oliver Sachsze, Secretary General of Germany’s National Pupils’ Conference

About the project:

Cities trigger emotions – both pleasant and unpleasant. On the one hand, cities provide us with opportunities for development, culture and prosperity. They are political, economic and scientific centres. But they also have another side: they’re often anonymous or dirty, and injustice, crime and violence lurk within them.

The citizen science project “Your Emotional City” primarily explores questions to do with the emotional state of city inhabitants. Over the course of a week, the participants will be using an app to share their personal feelings about the specific locations they’re in. The goal is to decode the emotions people experience in streets, squares, neighbourhoods and parks, and in this way to gain insights that will apply to cities in general. The findings can then be used to determine what will make the cities of the future places worth living in. In the course of the project, an emotions-based map of Berlin will be created. Data transfer and processing will take place in anonymised form and in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (DSGVO).

“Your Emotional City” is a joint project of the Interdisziplinäres Forum Neurourbanistik e. V., the university hospital Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and Futurium, the House of Futures. Funded by the Berlin University Alliance as part of the Excellence Strategy of the German federal and state governments.

Download of the app via the following links:
