Photo: David von Becker

Futurium opens with restrictions

We'll be back for you on May 13

From 13 May 2020, Futurium’s doors will be open once again to visitors, though with certain limitations. To protect everyone, our house of futures will be implementing social distancing and public hygiene measures that will enable us to operate responsibly during these corona times. Here you can find the most important questions and answers concerning your visit to Futurium:

Photo: David von Becker

Which areas of the building will be accessible?

The exhibition of the future on around 3,000 square metres will be open to you; interactive exhibits will be open to use with restrictions, but there will be no access to the swings. The Futurium Lab and Skywalk will remain closed for the time being.

Events and workshops will be held digitally until further notice; Futurium’s online programme has been expanded accordingly. Guided tours cannot be offered for the time being.

The Restaurant at Futurium will be offering takeaway food and drinks on the forecourt. Admission to Futurium will continue to be free of charge. Opening hours will remain the same: Mon, Wed, Fri–Sun 10:00–18:00; Thu 10:00–20:00; Tue closed.

What are the social distancing and public hygiene rules at Futurium?

All persons in the public areas of Futurium must wear masks. You must maintain a minimum distance of two metres between yourself and others. The formation of groups is prohibited. In addition, the hygiene tips provided by the German government’s Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA) apply.

What security measures will Futurium be imposing?

Futurium will not allow more than 200 visitors to be present in the building at any one time. You will be guided into the exhibition using a one-way system; the entrance will be kept separate from the exit. In addition, there will be more security personnel throughout the building and public areas will be cleaned more frequently.

We did not take lightly the decision to reopen Futurium. Protecting the health of our visitors and staff is our highest priority. At the same time, as a public institution, we feel an obligation towards society. That’s why we want, in a responsible way, to enable people once again to engage themselves with different perspectives on the future – beyond this acute crisis that we’ve all been thrust into. The central question that guides our work at Futurium – “How do we want to live?” – is more topical than ever. By opening our house to a limited number of visitors, we’ve decided to take the first step on the long road to a ‘new normality’,” says Futurium’s Director Dr Stefan Brandt.

We look forward to your visit. Stay healthy and take care of yourself!