Since opening in September 2019, our House of Futures near Berlin’s main train station has welcomed two million visitors through its doors. Today, Futurium is one of the most visited exhibition houses and museums in Berlin.

Audio expedition and grasshopper crêpes

By means of augmented reality and 3D printers, children can shape democracy according to their own ideas; the audio expedition “Mission Possible 2046” invites explorers of the future to travel in time to our democracy of tomorrow; and adventurous gourmets can try out future diets such as grasshopper crêpes. Since 5 September 2019, Futurium has invited visitors of all ages not only to explore possible futures, but also to hear, feel and taste them.

More than two million people from Berlin, Germany and all over the world have already accepted this invitation. At Futurium, they have been able to take in a wide range of offerings, including guided tours, workshops, Open Lab Nights and events held at the Forum. Or else they had a chance to explore possible futures on their own in the exhibition with its themed areas on humans, nature and technology.

"We're overwhelmed"

Futurium Director Dr Stefan Brandt is grateful to everyone who has made this possible: “We’re overwhelmed that in our four years of operation we’ve already been able to welcome two million people – despite the interruptions caused by Corona. We take this as a confirmation of our open approach: at Futurium, we don’t want to lecture anyone, but seek rather to discuss in a science-based manner exciting, future-related approaches and options. We want to provide a place for people of different origins, attitudes and opinions to come together and exchange ideas. It’s all about exploring common grounds without ignoring differences of opinion. That’s why we’ve placed our focus for 2023 on the theme ‘Futures of Democracy’, which has obviously found great resonance with our audience.”