Photo: David von Becker

+++ Unknown object appears in the government quarter +++

An unknown object has appeared in the government quarter – the population and officials are puzzled. Follow the live ticker from the forecourt of Futurium here!

We will report updates here.

Photo: David von Becker

16 June

+++ NEWS +++ NEWS +++ NEWS +++

The transporters that loaded the vehicle disappeared during the night crossing.

The drivers, who informed the authorities from a rural hotel, cannot remember the circumstances of the disappearance.

We hope to be able to report more soon.

15 June

+++ 1 pm +++

The vehicle is loaded. For the time being, it will be taken to an unknown location by the responsible authorities. Further investigations are now to take place in camera.

14 June

+++ 9 am +++

Parts of the object are prepared for removal.

12 June

+++ 5 pm +++

Employees of Futurium begin to dispose of the grey matter.

11 June

+++ 3 pm +++

The vehicle is now being prepared for removal.

+++ 2 pm +++

After freezing the forecourt could temporarily limit the growth of the grey matter, the scientists* use further cryogenic techniques to separate the matter from the soil. Finally, they succeeded in separating the stabilising components of the grey matter from the rest of the matter by cryoextraction, which meant that they could be removed from the soil (now in liquid form) without leaving any residue. The interdisciplinary team of researchers now wants to test samples of the substance for their material science components. They suspect that an as yet undiscovered, special molecular compound gives the grey matter its great resistance and hope to be able to create more durable building materials in the future by using it.

+++ 7 am +++

There was movement in the vehicle during the night. Several wild animals were also captured by the cameras, including a wolf.

8 June

+++ 7 am +++

On their blog, which is like a diary, Ava and Shevek have posted a video by Elinor Ostrom on polycentric governance.

6 June

+++ 9 am +++

Scientists are puzzling over whether the grey mass is connected to the grey slime layer that is currently polluting the Sea of Marmara near Istanbul.

3 June

+++ 7 am +++

In the meantime, many employees of Futurium have visited the mysterious vehicle. One staff member says: "You feel connected to them in a completely different way when you walk through their living room and see their personal things.

1 June

+++ 12 pm +++

Journalists interview visitors who have entered the unknown object. "How will we live together in the future? I find it exciting what thoughts Ava and Shevek trigger and make us aware that we already have to ask ourselves many questions today," comments a visitor.

30 May

+++ 12 pm +++

A research team has arrived to examine the grey mass surrounding the object in more detail. The experts are said to be experienced in the field of Arctic research.

27 May

+++ 4 pm +++

Despite recurring rumours: Ava and Shevek remain missing. On their blog they seem to find out more and more about this society: https://commontransformation.c...

21 May

+++ 10 am +++

After a long wait, the vehicle will finally be opened to all interested visitors today.

19 May

+++ 6 pm +++

According to those responsible for the Futurium, there are some technical difficulties. Again and again, noises can be heard inside.

16 May

+++ 9 am +++

Preparations for the opening of the vehicle to the public are underway.

14 May

+++ 11 am +++

According to their diary, the two passengers from another company exchanged views with forest squatters.

11 May

+++ 5 pm +++

Ava and Shevek seem to be in contact with a lawyer.

09 May

+++ 9 pm +++

The two visitors seem to want to expand their knowledge of this world and announce a discussion with Andreas Cassee. The philosopher is an expert on the ethics of migration.

07 May

+++ 11 am +++

Ava and Shevek are apparently interested in the cultural and literary scholar Eva Horn. They have posted a video discussion on the Anthropocene on her blog. Horn is the author of the book Future as Catastrophe.

05 May

+++ 4 pm +++

According to the chemists involved in the investigations, the analysis of the grey mass brings new insights: The unknown substance reacts with the carbon dioxide in the air when its outer skin is damaged and increases its visible surface by 40 percent.

04 May

+++ 11 am +++

First attempts to freeze the ground of the forecourt have failed. In this way, the experts hope to be able to remove the masses as a whole. Work is now underway with various research institutions to find a larger-scale solution.

03 May

+++ 10 pm +++

Late in the evening, disappointment sets in: The hit from the missing persons file turns out to be a hoax. Ava and Shevek's identity remains unknown.

02 May

+++ 8 am +++

New findings on Sunday morning: According to investigators, the comparison with the missing persons file has yielded a lead. No information has yet been released to the public.

30 April

+++ 12 am +++

Further talks with the lawyer about Ava and Shevek bring no new insights.

29 April

+++ 9 am +++

Surveillance camera footage shows urban wildlife like foxes and racoons approaching the vehicle at night.

+++ 5 pm +++

Sounds from inside the vehicle continue to leak out.

28 April

+++ 3 pm +++

A Scandinavian research team has arrived and will take samples of the grey matter in the coming days.

26 April

+++ 10 am +++

First of all, the representatives of the press will be admitted to the building on this Monday.

25 April

+++ 11 am +++

Administrative delays are also to be expected, says a Futurium spokeswoman. So far, there is no permit for the opening of the vehicle.

24 April

+++ 3 pm +++

The technicians keep encountering difficulties in their work. Noises can be heard coming from inside.

23 April

+++ 5 pm +++

It has emerged from the interrogation transcripts that Ava and Shevek referred to the vehicle as Common.

22 April

+++ 9 pm +++

Even after an intensive search, Ava and Shevek remain missing, according to police.

+++ 12 am +++

Scientists classify the grey mass as harmless.

Please wait, the image is currently loading and will be there shortly.

A first picture of the vehicle in front of Futurium.

21 April

+++ 4 pm +++

Another attempt to remove the grey mass from the object fails.

+++ 8 am +++

Responsible persons of Futurium discuss the further procedure and the handling of the object on the forecourt.

20 April

+++ 1 pm +++

The evaluation of the surveillance camera does not yield any results. What the emergency services find is yawning emptiness. Ava and Shevek have disappeared.

+++ 11 am +++

After no movement was heard from the vehicle for another night, the police, accompanied by a lawyer, entered the property.

19 April

+++ 5 pm +++

The Berlin police announces: A comparison with the missing persons index has not yielded a hit.

+++ 11 am +++

Curious people who had already made a pilgrimage to Futurium early this morning have been disappointed: Ava and Shevek did not appear in public again after their outdoor walk on Sunday.

18 April

+++ 6 pm +++

Meanwhile, there are new findings on the grey matter surrounding the alien object. The results are to be presented in the coming days.

+++ 1 pm +++

Visual contact! Ava and Shevek have been sighted for the first time on the grounds of the Futurium. This is what eyewitnesses report.

+++ 10 am +++

Supply trucks pull up in front of the Futurium. Ava and Shevek are being supplied with food from outside.

17 April

+++ 4 pm +++

A first interview has been conducted. However, according to the medium, the interview is not yet to be published.

+++ 11 am +++

Journalists have gathered on the Futurium forecourt. Ava and Shevek agree to an interview.

+++ 7 am +++

Although the identity of the two passengers has not yet been established, their names are Ava and Shevek. This is a result of the interviews, officials announced in the morning.

16. April: Deflagration coming from vehicle

+++ 7 pm +++

As Futurium announces, the two people will have a lawyer for asylum law at their side.

+++ 4 pm +++

Reinforcements have arrived: The investigation of the grey matter is now being carried out under high pressure with additional scientists. The investigations are expected to continue over the weekend.

+++ 2 pm +++

Futurium is now supplying the object with electricity from outside. The power sources seem to be defective.

+++ 11 am +++

The identity of the two people is still unclear.

+++ 10:10 am +++

Futurium is in direct talks with the passengers.

+++ 10 am +++

+++ URGENT +++ Unidentified people in the vehicle are a woman and a man +++ URGENT +++

+++ 9 am +++

Futurium sends a trusted person from the house of futures to the vehicle. The doors open.

+++ 7 am +++

During the night, local residents heard a loud noise, which they suspect came from the vehicle. They report a kind of deflagration. It is possible that this is the energy source of the vehicle.

15 April: Attempt to make contact remains unsuccessful

+++ 5 pm +++

A special unit of the police covers the grey mass with tarpaulins.

+++ 2:19 pm +++

Futurium erects a lock around die object. Access to the area is strictly controlled from now on. High hygiene standards apply.

+++ 2:17 pm +++

Werner about the object: It seems to be a vehicle.

+++ 2:15 pm +++

Werner speaks at a press conference and urges calm. Everything is under control. There is no danger for the population. So far there has been no contact with the people in the building. The grey mass is being examined. It cannot be removed easily.

+++ 2 pm +++

Futurium is setting up an investigation team. The staff member and chemist Dr. Kristin Werner takes the lead.

+++ 10 am +++

A police spokesperson appears before the press in the morning: They are investigating in all directions.

+++ 9 am +++

Repeated knocking and calling in the morning do not result in contact. The evaluation of the cameras does not yield any further information either. The persons remain in the property.

14 April: Security zone established around the property

+++ 7 pm +++

Responsible employees of Futurium have decided that the persons may stay in the object for the time being.

+++ 6 pm +++

Analysis of the exterior camera footage suggests that there are probably two people inside the property. Gender, age and identity remain unclear.

+++ 3 pm +++

Police searches have not revealed any matches to objects reported stolen or missing.

+++ 8 am +++

As a preventive measure, employees of Futurium set up a security zone around the unknown object. There is still no contact. The grey mass cannot be removed either. The results of the examination of the samples are still pending.

13 April: Unknown object turned up in government quarter

+++ 7 pm +++

The grey mass seems to be not removeable at the moment.

+++ 4 pm +++

Parts of the object are covered by an unknown mass. Investigations have been initiated.

+++ 11 am +++

The responsible authorities have been informed.

+++ 9 am +++

Attempts to make contact remain unsuccessful. Neither knocking nor loud calls are answered

+++ 7 am +++

During the night, a strange object appeared on the forecourt of Futurium. The security service of Futurium informed staff and police in the morning. Apparently there are people inside the object. It is unclear who they are, and no contact has been made so far.