Within a few days, the situation in Europe has changed dramatically. Russia's attack on Ukraine, which is contrary to international law, is bringing suffering, war and destruction to our neighbourhood. It is also an attack on freedom, democracy and self-determination. Our solidarity is with the people on the ground and on the run. As a platform for debates on the future, we will also address the question of what medium- to long-term effects this war of aggression could have on the future of Europe.
It is anything but easy for us to make the transition to the other topics here in the Futurium. But our house is open, many people visit us, and the question "How do we want to live?" has not lost its topicality and importance.
Director Stefan Brandt points out the importance of this question, especially today: "Democracies are characterised by the fact that citizens can openly discuss questions about the future and debate the best solutions together. Freedom is the prerequisite for a self-determined and sustainable future in which as many people as possible are actively involved.