18. + 19. Juni

Summer Festival "Futures of Mobility"

How mobile are we? That’s what we’ll be asking ourselves, and especially you, at our summer festival on the future of mobility. Together with you, we want to bring utopias to the streets, observe nature along the way, get to know our city from completely new angles, play quizzes, have a picnic and discover the many new things at Futurium. Look forward to a weekend full of mobility!

We spend the summer in Lisbon, study in Brazil, visit family in Vietnam and work mobile from Tel Aviv. In theory, at least. After all, lots of factors determine how freely and autonomously we can decide on a new place to live or even on a trip. Our own history, family and background play a major role in how we move around in the world – as do our financial means, health, relationships and education.

Nature is our travelling companion. Whether we’ve picked them up locally or from further away, pathogens, plants and animal species are constantly travelling with us. Whether we’re talking about planes or cars, bicycles or trains, our means of transport, and the routes we take, have an impact on other living creatures and on our ecosystems.

During our Mobility Festival, we’ll be collecting perspectives on the mobility of people, things and other living beings. Together, we’ll be taking a close look at the imbalances with which our society has to cope and opening our eyes to ideas for the future. We want to be creative and utopian while doing so ... and keeping on the move!


The programme is mainly in German (sorry!). But check out this event in English.


On this day, our exhibition and Lab will be open from 10:00 to 18:00.

Walk-In World Map
(in German)
Living utopia

Power-Critical Perspectives on Mobility
(in German)
Interactive session

Mobility: Discovering and Shaping the Future
(in German)
Guided tour of the exhibition

Living on the Street: Change of perspective
(in German)
Guided tour of Berlin Mitte

360° Flight and Utopia – Where’s a good place to arrive at? (in German)
Workshop with virtual reality glasses

Painting Workshop “Flying Houses”
(in German)

Borderless Mobility?
(in German)
Guided tour with the curators

Power-Critical Perspectives on Mobility
(in German)
Interactive session

Futures of Mobility in the Futurium Lab
(in German)
Guided tour with the curators

What if... everyone had to go abroad for a year?
(in German)
Scenario for the future and conversation

Attention, visionaries!
(in German)
Family quiz

Guided tour of the exhibition
(in English)
Public tour

Borderless Mobility?
(in German)
Guided tour with the curators

360° Flight and Utopia – Where’s a good place to arrive at? (in German)
Workshop with virtual reality glasses

Attention, visionaries!
(in German)
Family quiz

Mobility: Discovering and Shaping the Future
(in German)
Guided tour of the exhibition