This 9 November marks the 85th anniversary of the so-called “Reichspogromnacht”, the nationwide Pogrom Night. On that night and on the following day, targeted acts of terror against Jews took place throughout the German Reich; these were centrally organised by the National Socialist leadership and carried out with the help of some sections of the population. These acts of violence were the prelude to the systematic extermination of Jewish life in Germany and Europe.

Today, 85 years later, antisemitism has not disappeared from our country. On the contrary. Jews in Germany are living in fear. They are being treated with open hostility or even physically assaulted. There have been antisemitic attacks on synagogues, homes, restaurants and cultural venues.
The 9 November is a day of remembrance that serves to remind us that antisemitism is a fundamental threat to our society, our peaceful coexistence and our democracy. “Never again” means standing up against antisemitism today. The open exchange on issues of the future that our house stands for is inconceivable without a critical examination of history. Futurium takes a clear stance against antisemitism. Today and in the future.