We open up opportunities to shape the future sustainably

Futurium: Thinking today about tomorrow

By Stefan Brandt – How we will live in the future depends on us. The clearer we grasp and reflect on the state of our world today, the clearer the ideas we associate with "the future" will become. In the anthropocene, the age of man, we contribute to shaping the future with every decision we make today.

Stefan Brandt is Director of Futurium.

Foto: Hoffotografen

This awareness not only opens up a variety of future options, which we in the Futurium refer to as "futures". At the same time, a high degree of responsibility is associated with this: towards nature, towards the further development of technical progress and towards our fellow human beings and descendants.

Futurium is - in this form unique throughout Europe - a place of interdisciplinary and participatory debate on possible futures. It brings together scientific research and current discourses from politics, business, culture and civil society. At Futurium, the fundamental question "How do we want to live?" in connection with the questions "How can we live?" and "How should we live?" will be negotiated on three complementary levels: in the exhibition, which makes different future concepts vivid and experienceable, in the forum, which brings up current positions and discusses them controversially, and at the Futurium Lab, which invites us to experimentally develop our own ideas and test new technologies.

As the House of Futures, we are radically open: for all visitors, for the exchange of different experiences and opinions, and for a common playing through of possibilities. We combine the lifelike communication of content and generally understandable communication of research findings with formats that release creativity and fantasy. In this way, we would like to encourage people to rethink the future and to help shape it responsibly.


Dr. Stefan Brandt