Dear Katarina Bader, what other headlines can we trust?
#FuturiumForum: One state of emergency and back? This is the title of the Futurium discussion series. This time the guest is the professor for online journalism, Katarina Bader. On 29 July from 8:15 pm the talk will be available here.

Guest of the evening
Katarina Bader is professor at the Stuttgart Media University with the subject areas online journalism, journalistic forms of presentation and research. Her research focuses on the interaction between media and politics in the age of the Internet and disinformation on the Internet. Especially regarding the corona virus, a lot of misleading information is circulating in messenger services, social networks and on websites. These false reports - also called fake news - are often circulated intentionally. In digital media they spread at breakneck speed. "Assessing danger is a basic human need. And it is precisely this that presents us with enormous challenges: A virus that we cannot see is massively changing our everyday lives," explains Bader in an interview with the Federal Ministry of Science and Research. However, the Corona crisis has once again shown how dangerous targeted disinformation can be for all of us - whether through manipulated information on supposed miracle cures or abstruse conspiracy theories. With Katarina Bader we want to dive deeper into the systematics of targeted disinformation and discuss what each*r of us can do against the spreading of fake news.
What does Fake News actually mean and what is her intention? Which false reports are particularly dangerous, which are particularly successful? How can we recognize fake news and counteract them effectively? How can the awareness of fake news (even among children and young people) be increased? What are the responsibilities of journalists, politicians and scientists in the fight against fake news? What should we take away from the experiences of corona crisis communication?
About the talk series
How does the view of the future change in a state of emergency? The corona pandemic and the way we deal with it shake up many things that otherwise seemed self-evident to us. The digitizability of life, recognition for everyday heroes and the social significance of culture, sport and nightlife – all this and much more is being put to the test. Where do social imbalances reveal themselves? Which foundations of everyday life are indispensable? What is really important to us when it really matters? And what consequences will people draw in the future? We want to discuss these questions in 30-minute digital talks with people from science, politics, business, civil society and the creative scene.
The recording of the conversation will be available here on Wednesday, 29 July from 20:15.