Dear Jutta Allmendinger, will the Corona crisis bring us the breakthrough to more equality?
#FuturiumForum: One state of emergency and back? This is the title of a new series of talks by Futurium. Guest this time is the sociologist Jutta Allmendinger. On Wednesday, April 22nd, starting at 20:15, the talk will be available here.

How does the view of the future change in a state of emergency? The corona pandemic and the way we deal with it shake up many things that otherwise seemed self-evident to us. The digitizability of life, recognition for everyday heroes and the social significance of culture, sport and nightlife - all this and much more is being put to the test. Where do social imbalances reveal themselves? Which foundations of everyday life are indispensable? What is really important to us when it really matters? And what consequences will people draw in the future? We want to discuss these questions in 30-minute digital talks with people from science, politics, business, civil society and the creative scene.
The sociologist Jutta Allmendinger has been President of the Wissenschaftszentrums Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB) since 2007 and Professor of Sociology of Education and Labour Market Research at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Most recently, in the Tagesspiegel, she criticized the recommendations of the Nationalen Wissenschaftsakademie Leopoldina on how to get out of the Corona exception. These, she said, lacked the perspective of families and especially women. We want to discuss with Jutta Allmendinger whether the Corona crisis is a feminist issue, how it can initiate a change towards fair pay and improved working conditions, and whether the crisis has changed our trust in science, politics and society.
The conversation with Futurium director Stefan Brandt will be recorded and will be available here from Wednesdey, 22 April at 20:15.