
Das ist Gastronomie GmbH operates "Restaurant at Futurium“

When Futurium opens on 5 September 2019, visitors can look forward to gaining insights into the world of tomorrow and to tasting the culinary delights of the future: at the “Restaurant at Futurium”, they will find innovative dishes on the menu alongside regional classics. The gastronomic concept will lie in the hands of Das ist Gastronomie GmbH, part of the Sarah Wiener Gruppe.

Futurium has selected Das ist Gastronomie GmbH as operator of the “Restaurant at Futurium” and caterer for in-house events. The restaurant will open together with Futurium on 5 September 2019.

Here, visitors can taste chef André Göldner’s culinary ideas of the future, try out new dishes or enjoy regional classics. Das ist Gastronomie GmbH, and their manager Jan Rickers, stand for sustainability and the highest quality. Guests will be able to enjoy meals prepared with ingredients produced by the Sarah Wiener Gruppe itself. Members of the latter include the organic farm Gut Kerkow, which cultivates regional vegetables, breeds animals, and produces sausages and meat, as well as the internationally certified organic bakery Wiener Brot.

upgrading of the area around Humboldthafen

“I’m delighted that, from the day of its opening, Futurium will have a restaurant where visitors can dine both innovatively and sustainably. Doubtless to say, this will also contribute to the further upgrading of the area around Humboldthafen.” (Dr Stefan Brandt, Director of Futurium)

As restaurateur, Das ist Gastronomie GmbH will not only be running the restaurant, but will also be offering a creative and innovative range of catering for Futurium’s events.

regional, sustainable and eager to experiment

“Being Germany’s most sustainable federal building with futuristic architecture and future-shaping content, Futurium places high demands on its gastronomic offerings. Hoflieferanten, with their approach marked by regionality, sustainability and the eagerness to experiment, ideally suit our values of sustainability and innovation.” (Nicole Schneider, Commercial Managing Director of Futurium)