Credit: David von Becker

Press Release 01 June 2022

Festival on the Futures of Mobility

How mobile are we? This will be the question at the core of Futurium’s summer festival on 18 and 19 June. In addition, visitors will be treated to new exhibits in the Thinking Space Nature on this year’s focus theme of mobility.

Credit: David von Becker

On 18 and 19 June 2022, Futurium will be throwing a summer festival to kick off the second part of its “mobility” focus. In a new section of the exhibition, we’ll be looking into the question of how nature is changed through our travels and the global flows of goods. New exhibits, illustrations, films and artistic installations will offer insights into the challenges awaiting us in the future and the possible solutions we might find for them.

Our visitors will also be invited to a multifaceted programme revolving around the question “How mobile are we?”. On Futurium’s forecourt, a giant map of the world that you can walk over – and interactive theatrical performances – will be there to draw in participants of all ages. For children and families, we’ll have creative offerings including painting and robotics workshops, a “Chalk Mile” and family quizzes. Special highlights: on Saturday, starting at 19:00, there will be a round-table discussion on global mobilities and local perspectives. Later in the evening on Saturday, we’ll be hosting a big Open Society Day picnic. The summer festival programme will include many easily accessible elements and offer events with migrants’ perspectives in German, English, Spanish, Arabic and Kurdish on the topic of global mobility.

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Festival hours

  • Saturday, 18 June, 10:00–21:00 in the Futurium building and until midnight on the forecourt
  • Sunday, 19 June, 10:00–18:00 in the Futurium building and until 19:00 on the forecourt

Tours of the exhibition

Throughout the weekend, we’ll be offering guided tours of the exhibition with a special focus on mobility. Children and young people from the age of eight can set off on their own discovery tour with the “Off to the Future – Exhibition Rallye for Kids”.

“What Moves Us” – Round-table discussion on Saturday

The round-table discussion at 19:00 on Saturday, 18 June will be moderated by Andrea Thilo and deal with the global mobility of people, goods, ideas and living organisms. A further focus will be the local impacts that global movements have on habitats, climate and societal systems too. Our guests from the spheres of science, politics and civil society will be discussing the opportunities and challenges. Participants in the discussion:

  • Susanne Baer, Judge of the Federal Constitutional Court and Professor of Public Law and Gender Studies at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
  • Esra Kücük, Managing Director of the non-profit cultural foundation Allianz Kulturstiftung and board member of the Allianz Umweltstiftung, a non-profit foundation for environment protection
  • Thomas Müller, Professor of Movement Ecology and Biodiversity Conservation at the Senckenberg – Leibniz Institution for Biodiversity and Earth System Research and at Goethe University Frankfurt
  • Belit Onay, Mayor of Hanover
  • Vincent Stamer, economist and expert on international trade at the Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW)

Check out the overview of the festival programme here.