Press Release

EMYA 2021: “Special Commendation” for Futurium

The European Museum Forum has announced the winners of the prestigious Museum of the Year Awards for 2020 and 2021. And Futurium was the only German museum to receive a “Special Commendation” during the online ceremony.

“The award makes us very happy,” said Director Dr Stefan Brandt following the evening event on 6 May 2021. “After all, we’re not a traditional type of museum, but rather a ‘house of futures’ – with an exhibition as well as workshops, debates and experimental formats. The jury’s vote only supports us in our conviction that, now more than ever, there’s a need for places where people can discuss the big question that concerns us all, namely, how do we want to live?“ Nicole Schneider, Commercial Managing Director, added: “These are challenging times – for museums too: we’re all working hard on being accessible to our visitors and on finding ways to make the analysis of future topics a digital experience. Every day, we find ourselves facing new challenges. That’s why it’s so wonderful that the award has recognised our colleagues for their very special way of seeking to break new ground in the exhibition experience and in the communication of knowledge.” The Special Commendation is awarded to museums that have added a new and innovative facet to what they offer the public – one that other European museums can learn from. Futurium was honoured by the European Museum Forum for its “remarkable new and innovative approach to public service. With its brave architecture, beautiful design, and displays with many possibilities for interaction, it actively engages visitors in a broad range of topics and invites them to envision and discuss the future.”( Currently, Futurium, together with all Berlin’s other cultural institutions, has been forced by law to close due to Covid restrictions.
We will let you know as soon as we have information about the reopening date. Futurium’s diverse digital programme is available and via its social media channels.

About Futurium:

Futurium is a house of futures. Everything here revolves around the question: how do we want to live? In the exhibition, visitors can discover many possible futures; in the Forum, they can take part in open discussions; and, in the Futurium Lab, they can try out their own ideas. One thing we know for sure today: in the future, we will have major challenges to overcome. How can we bring climate change under control? Which technologies do we want to use in the future? Does technology serve us – or do we serve technology? How do we want to live together as a society? Are there any alternatives to ‘higher, further, faster’? The future also emerges from our decisions and actions in the present. For this reason, Futurium, which was opened in Berlin in September 2019, wants to inspire all its visitors to engage themselves with the future and to play a part in shaping it.