Harald Ebner, Tanja Busse, Philip Brändle und Prof. Dr. Joachim von Braun are guests of the evening.

Festival Bioeconomy


It should produce healthy food, care for our landscape and provide for more species protection. It is romanticised as an idyll of small farmers, demonised as an agricultural industry. With renewable raw materials it should create clean energy and thus save the climate for us.
+++ cancelled at short notice +++



Further information:

  • Duration:1 hour and 30 minutes

Harald Ebner, Tanja Busse, Philip Brändle und Prof. Dr. Joachim von Braun are guests of the evening.

We have enormous expectations of agriculture. Now the bio-economy is on the doorstep as a new model for the future. It promises a new form of sustainability on a social, ecological and economic level. Is this a real opportunity for rural areas? Or should the country just fix what does not work in the city?

The guests of the evening are among others:

Prof. Dr. Joachim von Braun, agricultural scientist, director at the Centre for Development Research at the University of Bonn, former chairman of the Bioeconomy Council

Harald Ebner, MdB Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, Chairman of his Group in the Committee on Food and Agriculture

Tanja Busse, journalist and author

A joint event with acatech – German Academy of Science and Engineering & the Körber Foundation.