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How are our earth’s ecosystems faring? What must we do to protect habitats in the future? These are some of the questions addressed in the Global Assessment Report by the World Biodiversity...
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In this pre-Christmas time, and specially for you, the chefs at the Restaurant at Futurium are going to lift the lids off their saucepans to reveal their favourite recipe for the Holiday season....
Affordable and self-managed living space is scarce in many parts of Germany, especially in its major cities. With the so-called Tenement Syndicate model of housing – living in a self-organised...
So hübschst du deinen Pulli für die Weihnachtsfeier auf. Wir zeigen dir in 10 Schritten, wie du die blinkende LED-Super-Weihnachtsmann-Brosche erstellst und damit auf jeder Weihnachtsfeier glänzst.
Futurium will be open for you on some of the public holidays too. Here’s the overview:
New nuclear power plants are set to revolutionise nuclear energy. Atomic plants using Generation IV nuclear reactors could indeed turn out to be safer and cheaper – and hopes are not being pinned...