What question do you have for the democracy of tomorrow?

We want to know what you want to know – about democracy. Because that will be the topic keeping us busy at Futurium in 2023. According to a recent survey by the Körber-Stiftung, only 50 per cent of Germans have confidence in democracy, while 30 per cent have little to no trust in it at all. The “rule of the people” is going through turbulent times.

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Climate change, social injustice, populist movements, the coronavirus pandemic and fake news – democracy is facing major global challenges that need to be mastered both now and in the future. But how? The questions we’ve been asking ourselves are:

  • Why is democracy the better choice?
  • Who will represent me and us?
  • Who are we, the many?
  • How can democracy become more diverse?
  • Do we need more civic involvement?
  • Maybe even at a global level?
  • How will we be discussing things in the future?
  • And where?
  • How can we make democracy more viable for the future?

Who / How / Where / What / Why...?

👉 And this is where you come in: What questions do you have for the democracy of tomorrow? What are your visions for the democracy of tomorrow?

Join in, send us an email with your question to ausstellung@futurium.de and pass on our call for ideas to your own networks!

We look forward to your contributions.