Photo: David Weigend

#FuturiumSchule: A game idea

Into the future!

The way into the future is full of opportunities and challenges. Sometimes it's forward, sometimes it's back. Take your own journey into the future with the dice game Off into the future.

Photo: David Weigend

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For the game you need the printed PDF templates, game pieces and a dice. The dice are thrown in a row. You may move as many fields as you have thrown the dice. Whoever reaches the goal first is the winner.

And so it goes

1. Print out the game plan. You can print the schedule in black and white or in colour.

2. For the game you need pieces and a dice. You can find the figures for example in an old game collection. Each player receives a figure in a different colour.

3. Now it starts. The dice are rolled in a row. You may move as many squares as you have thrown the dice. Whoever reaches the end first is the winner. There are several special fields along the way.

4. Design your own future game. Use the template and think up your own tasks and rules.

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