Graphic: Agentur Floda31



Hybrid Plattform and Futurium will again invite you to the "Hybrid Futures" on 28 May 2020 – after the successful start of the series in December. You can join us live and ask questions.

Graphic: Agentur Floda31

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Here artists meet scientists to talk about past and possible future visions. In the second edition of this interdisciplinary event, author and theatre director Helgard Haug, urbanist and architect Jan Kampshoff together with architect Moritz Ahlert will speculate on topics at the interface of art and science. How can cities also be stages and become places of creativity? How have past life and urban concepts shaped us and our surroundings up to the present? And how will the urban fabric and the interactions there change - especially in times of emptiness and distance?

The panel discussion, which can be experienced as a livestream, will be divided into individual sections: First, we take a look at the past of the disciplines and their increasing hybridization. Using scenarios from art and science, the guests then develop a speculation about the future shape of the scientific disciplines.

Guests of the evening

Helgard Haug is a founding member of the theatre label Rimini Protokoll, works with other artists* and is also a regular lecturer at international universities. With the award-winning ensemble Rimini Protokoll she experiments with new forms of theatre. She brings the audience into the public space, taking over the narrative as actors and the city as backdrop. The ensemble also produces radio plays, which have been awarded numerous prizes.

Jan Kampshoff teaches as a visiting professor at the Institute of Architecture at the Technical University of Berlin and also heads the modulorbeat studio. In his work he deals with urban structures and their impact on city life in an interdisciplinary way. By linking up with other disciplines and working together with those involved, he tries to create new dynamics in the respective locations.

Moritz Ahlert
is a research assistant at the Habitat Unit. His research focuses on participatory urban planning, smart cities and digital map applications. He has published his research results in several publications and exhibitions. He recently received special attention with his commentary on the "Google Maps Hack" by artist Simon Weckert, who tricked Google Maps with his art action.

Yvonne Zindel
(moderator) is an artistic assistant at the Berlin University of the Arts with a research position in the excellence project "DiGiTal - Digitization: Design and Transformation", funded by the "Berlin Program for the Promotion of Equal Opportunity for Women in Research and Teaching" (BCP). She also supports the Federal Cultural Foundation's Digital Fund with the curation of digital academies. Her next exhibition project is about technical visions of the future in art.


The discussion will be streamed live from Futurium in cooperation with Alex Berlin. Viewers* can contribute their questions to the discussion via social media (Facebook and Twitter) as well as by e-mail (

The Hybrid Platform is a joint project platform of the Universität der Künste Berlin and the Technische Universität Berlin within the framework of the Charlottenburg Campus. It serves the interdisciplinary exchange between arts, science and technology.

* The event was originally planned with Philipp Misselwitz. However, since he had to cancel at short notice, we were able to recruit Jan Kampshoff as a new panelist.