
New at Futurium: impulse talks in the exhibition

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The exhibition at Futurium extends over three thinking rooms and 3000 square metres – so there's a lot to see. Where to start? We'll help you get started with the topics of the future – with our exhibition guide talks.


Weekdays at 13:00, 15:00 and 17:00 and weekends at 11:00, 13:00 and 15:00, our staff members in the luminous LED information waistcoats stand in the exhibition and give short talks on various topics and exhibits. What the talks are about? Well, that's a surprise – the exhibition guides decide individually from day to day.

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The first experiences are positive: "The talks are well received, small groups always form. And sometimes visitors get to talk to our facilitators or to each other afterwards," says Christian Engelbrecht, Education Executive at Futurium.

The exhibition guides can be found throughout the day in the exhibition. They are also available to answer any questions independently of the mini talks and are happy to introduce you to our Futurium topics. So feel free to say hello and speak to them directly!

If you would like to take part in a exhibition guide talk, you can check out more near robot Pepper at the opening of the exhibition. Currently, the talks are offered in German. But stay tuned ...