“Connect utopian visions with real life”
I am very gratified to have been appointed Director of the Futurium. We are creating a unique place for interdisciplinary and multi-institutional work right in the heart of Berlin. For me, with my experience in arts, music, science, business, and museum management, it is a dream-come-true to be able to work here.

By Dr. Stefan Brandt
The task of representing “the future” in a museum is as demanding as it is challenging. The Futurium will approach this goal from several angles: With an exhibit presentation which lets you experience various future worlds – from a completely nature-oriented way of living to a high-tech scenario – and at the same time offers space for orientation and reflection. With an event programme which combines arts, research, technology, and social discourse. With an approach which will make the Futurium a barrier-free place for experimentation and experience for an audience of all ages. And with a digital presence which creates curiosity about what is going on at the Futurium.
I look forward to working with a highly motivated team and exchanging ideas with the high-caliber partners of the Futurium from politics, science, foundations, and business. In a world in which fears about the future seem to be gaining ground quickly, the Futurium offers an opportunity to take a differentiated look. To dare to be imaginative without being naïve – opening space for visions without sacrificing the detailed study of actual developments – to show utopian visions without losing touch with real life: this is how I see the ultimate goal of the Futurium which I would like to realize step by step in the coming years.
Photo credit: Futurium.de, Die Hoffotografen GmbH