Create a Circular Smartphone Economy


The game "RRRRRR" from IMAGINARY takes us on a journey through the circular economy. The central idea revolves around the valuable materials found in smartphones, including gold, silver, copper, lithium, and rare earths. These materials are not only valuable in their own right but also serve as a reminder of the environmental impact of the smartphone industry. In many cases, the production of these materials is conducted in unethical work environments and at a significant environmental cost. It is evident that the current practice of discarding old phones and purchasing new ones is unsustainable.

© David von Becker

The game starts in our current reality: resources are mined, smartphones are manufactured, used for a few years and then thrown away. This is unsustainable. The goal of the game is to create a functioning circular economy in which all materials are used and recycled for as long as possible. To achieve this, players can use different strategies:

Reduce: The amount of smartphones produced can be reduced by designing durable, easily repairable devices that need to be replaced less often. In addition, demand can be reduced through more conscious consumption by consumers who keep their devices for longer and do not replace them with each new generation.

Repair: Smartphones should be designed to be easily repaired, for example by replacing broken components such as the screen or battery. This prolongs the life of the device and reduces the need to use new raw materials to make new phones.

Re-Use: Smartphones that no longer meet a user's needs can be given away or sold. This reduces the need for new devices.

Refurbish: By replacing faulty parts, updating software or cleaning, a used phone can be restored to "like-new" condition and become usable again.

Recycle: At the end of its life, a smartphone should be professionally recycled, not thrown away with household waste. The materials it contains can be recovered and reused to make new devices. This reduces dependence on raw material extraction and the associated environmental and social problems.

The player's task is to keep a given number of phones in circulation for as long as possible, while ensuring that there are enough phones to meet the needs of the inhabitants.

IMAGINARY Developper

The game is named after these 5 R strategies. "RRRRR" challenges us to think about a smartphone's entire lifecycle. It shows that a transition to a circular economy is possible and necessary. It demonstrates how not only phones but also other products can be used in a more sustainable way by applying the 5 R strategies. The circular economy is therefore a key to meeting future challenges by focusing on the responsible use of limited resources.

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Annual Theme: Raw Materials