36 Kreislauffähige Materialien Teaser

Graphic: Polygraph Design

Thinking space nature

Think tank nature

Have you ever sat on a fungus chair or worn algae shoes? Extraordinary materials can be produced from the smallest inconspicuous creatures or from food waste.

36 Kreislauffähige Materialien Teaser

Graphic: Polygraph Design

The advantage: when such materials are no longer needed, bacteria and other organisms digest and decompose them into soil organic matter. In this way new, useful natural resources are again created. These kinds of biomaterials can be used, for example, to replace plastic. The time it takes for plastic to decompose is hundreds of years. Furthermore, plastic materials are mostly made from petroleum – a resource that is running short. Biomaterials are still the subject of continuing research and there are still obstacles to overcome, but they definitely offer a lot of new solutions.