Hakken barquizz 32

Im Rahmen des Festival zur Zukunft der Gesundheit

Morbus Google

In our third quiz edition, you can once again rack your brains without any pain. This time, our quiz masters are looking at the future of our health and have plenty of questions, picture and sound puzzles on the topic and more or less related matters.



Further information:

  • Duration:3 hours
Hakken barquizz 32

If you now think that your knowledge of care robots, organ farming and stuff like that is definitely not enough to take part in a quiz, then you're already wrong before our quiz evening has even begun. To take part, you don't need to have studied medicine or practise detoxing, self-tracking or other health gadgets on a daily basis.

A healthy general knowledge is enough, plus no stomach ache when it comes to guessing at random and, last but not least, a few fit team members with whom you would win any exercise ECG. The game is not played alone, but in groups of up to six people.

The future is for everyone! The Futurium wants to be accessible to everyone. If you have any special access needs, please let us know and we will try to fulfil them: info@futurium.de. Here you can find all information about the Futurium's accessibility.

Photos will be taken during the event. If you do not wish to be photographed, please let us know in advance.